I have less than a month before this big exam, and I have an idea of how I am going to get above a score of 40. The verbal section is my main concern and here is my plan:
Verbal reasoning section has 3 categories of passages: Humanities, Social Sciences, and Natural Sciences.
I will complete 1 article in each of the categories each day for each subcategory. Today I will have only done a few of the sections, starting tomorrow I will accomplish ALL of the sections.
architecture, art,
literature: finish "Boyhood" by Leo Tolstoy; ~story of boy and family on at grandmother's home, facing difficulties with his teacher~
music, philosophy, popular culture, religion, and theater.
Social Sciences:
anthropology: Economist, start ups outside of america ; ~lady starts up a company that shows video of how to cook, lots of start ups occuring in urban center outside usa~
archaeology, economics, education, history, linguistics,
political science: Economist, tax reform for US; ~U.S. tax laws are very long, convoluted and lots of loopholes, one republican and one democrat are aiming to reducing loopholes and reforming tax laws~
psychology, and sociology
Natural Sciences:
astronomy, botany, computer science, ecology, ethology, geology, meteorology, technology, and zoology
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