The Berkeley Review:
ch 1 68/98 69%
ch 2 24/46 52%
ch 3 62/79 78%
ch 4 74/102 72% <---- need to review
ch 5 67/93 72%
ch1 90/100 90%
ch2 84/100 84%
ch3 78/100 78% <--- need to get higher
ch4 84/100 84%
ch5 88/100 88%
ch6 83/100 83% <--- need to review *gases*
ch7 83/100 83%
ch8 84/100 84%
ch9 74/80 92%
ch10 91/100 91%
ch 4: 59/70 84%
ch 5: 56/70 80%
ch 6: 61/70 87%
ch 7: 65/70 92% <---- review
ch 8: 63/70 90% *might need to reread*
Organic Chemistry
ch 1: 85/100 85%
ch 2 83/100 83%
ch 3 82/100 82%
ch 4 91/100 91%
ch 5 86/100 86% *might need to read*
Full lengths: PS/VR/BS Total
7/10/2013 aamc7 13/7/13 33 <----- read!!!! (need to review)
7/12/2013 Kaplan 3 14(63/77) / 9(39/60) /12(61/77) 35 *optics, solubility, ions*
7/19/2013 Kaplan 4 13(62/77) /10(43/60)/11(54/77) 34 *so hard* need to review bio/organic
Self Assessements:
Chemistry: 96% , Review: electrochemistry, solubility, equilibrium, trends - silberberg*****
Verbal Reasoning:
Examkrackers <--- all passages have been taken before...
EK1 33/40 82% scaled: 11
TPRvw1 27/40 scaled: 8 67% 9 wrong in 2 passages in middle.
TPRvw2 27/40 scaled: 8 67% <--- make progress each day
TPRvw3 28/40 scaled: 9 70%
6/28 13/23 56% scaled: 6
6/29 aamc 3 online 29/40 scaled: 10
7/1 Ek mini verbal3 9/15 60%
7/14 kaplan verbal_1 15/24 62% *stay in scope, read fast but comprehend material main idea 1st pass, understand the question*
7/15 kaplan verbal_2 24/33 72% *speed up on harder questions*
7/21 kaplan verbal_5 40/60 66% *refer back to the passage to confirm!*
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